Sober living

Drinking Was Hard On My Marriage So Was Recovery.

Some people stay with the person they were with before getting sober, and that relationship evolves to accommodate a new way of living. marriage changes after sobriety Others meet new partners after having gotten sober, often people who wouldn’t have been a part of their lives if they were still drinking. My partner went to treatment shortly after we started living together. When long-awaited sobriety finally arrives, partners expect their past relationship problems will disappear.Had I not gotten sober, we likely...


Treatment of Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism: How To Stop Drinking

One of the ancillary factors in alcohol dependence is blood sugar imbalances. In fact our laboratory hypothesized [58] that one such genetic factor that influences behavior including drug and food seeking is a predisposition to glucose craving and the overall effect of dopaminergic activity kudzu to stop drinking in the reward center of the brain. This defect drives individuals to engage in activities of behavioral excess, which will increase brain dopamine function, for which we created the term Reward Deficiency...


How Do I Flush Alcohol Out of My System

Those who have consumed alcohol, especially in larger quantities or those who are working on detoxing and getting sober, often look for ways to quickly get the alcohol out of their system. Remember that alcohol is a depressant, and taking other substances that enhance sleep while you are under the influence of alcohol can have dangerous side effects. Currently, there is a test that can detect alcohol use up to 80 hours, or 3 to 4 days, after the last...


35 Fun Things to Do After Work That Will Refresh You

The sight, subtle sounds and feeling of sand can bring a deep sense of peace to your being. You can buy a mini Zen Garden tool from the internet or create your own. All you need is white sand (or salt), a small square (or circular) box and a mini-rake. Add high enzyme foods that boost digestion, improve gut health and aid relaxation. Include enzyme rich foods like raw tomatoes, cucumbers, pineapple, papaya, nuts and seeds in your daily diet....


Understanding the Biopsychosocial Model in Substance Abuse on the ASWB Exam

It’s like a detective story, piecing together evidence to create a coherent narrative. From medication history to hospital visits and lab results, each piece of information contributes to a comprehensive understanding. They are not just documents but profound tools aiding in fostering healthier lives. Addiction is not a one-dimensional problem but a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors. The biopsychosocial model provides a holistic framework for understanding and addressing addiction, emphasizing the need for comprehensive and individualized treatment....